Beneath The Underdog



Beneath the Underdog’s latest album, Lullabies for Your Inner Child, is a kaleidoscope of rock and pop infused with a touch of jazz and served over alluring electronic beats. The tracks are energetic and powerful with confident rhythms that somehow avoid frenzied or frenetic conclusions. It’s like watching ocean waves breaking on a shore; the experience is sometimes dreamy or trippy but (unlike traditional lullabies) never sleepy. The beats are strong and occasionally even pensive, yet somehow calming and thoughtful.

The beguiling tracks from this remarkable collection directly reflect the unusual background of BTU’s main driving force, singer/songwriter Luca Crostella.

Luca was born in Rome, Italy and then moved as a child to a small yet remarkable Italian town called Calcata. With roots that go back to Roman times, the settlement is a thriving international art community, described in the New York Times, as what "may be the grooviest village in Italy, home to a wacky community of about 100 Artists, bohemians, aging hippies and New Age types." Calcata’s bohemian atmosphere is the genesis for Luca’s distinctive musical direction. His earliest musical experiments involved straight jazz, but Luca quickly evolved a rock/pop style that incorporates intricate electronic beats.

This is the sound that he carried to Los Angeles and showcased in breakthrough musical acts over the past decade like Unico and Tulip, acts that deeply influenced the LA music scene and brought Luca to the attention of renowned musical producer and songwriter Giuseppe (Pata) Patane’. Pata has collaborated with numerous music legends such as Quincy Jones, Stewart Levine, Sunny Levine, Mickey Avalon, Hugh Masekela, and many others.

Now with Pata as producer, Luca and the other members of BTU have created Lullabies For Your Inner Child, a powerful ode to your ears and your soul.